Install Install Setup Instructions Install Setup 2 error Install Btrieve Paradox dBase Para text File List Instructions Setup Install Title More Setup Windows Group Icon Title Default Destination Path Default Install Path Disk Space Needed Error Error Text Install To Install From Clear Delete Your Application Name CreateGroup Copy From Copy To Expression files message MS Sans Serif Courier MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif System Small Fonts MS Serif Check the appropriate database type(s) that you will use in your application. In addition to your files, copy the following files to your install disk. VISION.EXE VISION.HLP - OPTIONAL BWCC.DLL WCPDTK.DLL INSTALL.OVD FILES.DBF LOADER.EXE Enter your files here This sample application allows the developer to quickly create a single disk install application for ObjectVision RunTime Applications. You will need WCPDTK.DLL, available on Compuseve or the Borland's BBS, as a supplement for this install program. WCPDTK.DLL is required for install, but WILL NOT copy to the destination disk. If you need WCPDTK.DLL, include it in your list of files to be copied in step 3. Step 1 - Using the "Install Setup" screen, check the database type(s) that you will be using. Step 2 - Enter YOUR files in table "B." Do NOT enter drives, directories, or backslashes. Step 3 - Enter the title that you would like to see display for the name of your install application. Step 4 - Go to form Install Setup 2, and fill in the appropriate blanks. Step 5 - Format a 3 1/2" HD disk, or a 5 1/4" HD disk, and copy all files listed in section "B." and section "C." to your floppy disk. WIN 3.1 Install only. It is the developers responsibility to provide his or her own install application for RunTime applications. This application is a demonstration application of what can be done with ObjectVision. @MWesley Fill In the BlanksX *Do not use trailing backslashes. ex. C:\MYDIR or A: stack Check Stack No Additional files needed. PXENGWIN.DLL WBTRCALL.DLL PXENGWIN.DLL WBTRCALL.DLLA No Additional files needed. Instructions Install Setup ObjectVision Runtime Install Install Setup 2 DECISIONS DECISION MAKER c:\DECISION 1134857 Not enough space on Insert Install disk in and click Install. Destination Drive is invalid. c:\DECISION Files Files Files Files MAIN.ovd [CreateGroup("My Group")][Additem(c:\borland\VISION.EXE c:\borland\test.ovd,My X-Tra Large App)] a:\bwcc.dll c:\borland\bwcc.dll Paradox Paradox Engine NetNamePath @WriteProfile Paradox Engine UserName Vision& @WriteProfile Paradox Engine ShareLlocal @WriteProfile Paradox Engine NetType @WriteProfile Paradox Engine MaxTables @WriteProfile Paradox Engine RecBuffs @WriteProfile Paradox Engine Maxlocks @WriteProfile Paradox Engine SwapSize @WriteProfile Paradox Engine MaxFiles @WriteProfile Paradox Engine PX35LOCKING @WriteProfile \WBTRCALL.DLL \wbtrcall.dll @Copy \PXENGWIN.DLL \pxengwin.dll @Copy \vision.exe \vision.exe @Copy \loader.exe \loader.exe @Copy \vision.hlp \vision.hlp @Copy \bwcc.dll \bwcc.dll @Copy files [@ASSIGN(Copy To,Install To&File List)][@fieldcalculate(Copy To)][@Copy(Install From&file List,Copy To)][@next(files)] [CreateGroup(" ")][Additem( \LOADER.EXE Group Create ObjectVision HomeDir @WriteProfile btrieve options /m:38 /p:4096 /f:16 /l:20& @WriteProfile stack Paradox Install Complete! Check \VISION.EXE @FileExist @DiskAvail Installing!, Please wait... @SelfRegister wcpdtk.dll SelfRegister @SelfRegister field Files FILES Enter your files here: FILELIST Group Create PROGMAN PROGMAN